Sunday, November 21, 2010

What is wrong with the Gainesville Times?

The Gainesville Times Editorial Board (and Publisher) must be crazy. This morning I take a look at the editorial section and they have this article.

In the editorial they pretty much say that the incoming commissioners are crazy and ignorant. I ask the editorial board this question. What is wrong with elected official having character and fulfilling their promises? I suggest that there is more to it than them just having an opinion.

I think the upper management is making a concerted effort to protect Tom Oliver. Keep in mind even though I am very critical of Tom Oliver I truly like him. But enough about Tom Oliver lets get back to talking about the idiots over at the paper.

Now I do not use the word idiot lightly. I am going to look at this from an economics standpoint for a second. People get elected by majorities (all but the President) and majorities like to protect their choices, at least in the beginning. Everyone knows that newspapers across the country are hurting. I know I do not subscribe (why should I when I can read for free on line.) So why would they try and piss off 3 commission districts? I will reference the final line in the editorial. "The incoming commissioners were elected by the voters based on their own ideas and strengths as candidates - not with the expectation that they would blindly march to disaster behind Bell, like the children of Hamelin following the Pied Piper." (The incoming commissioners both promised to put the library in Clermont, FYI.) There is only one answer I can come up with that makes since. They are purposely trying to antagonize the readers to keep them reading. The only problem with that theory is eventually readers will just stop wanting the controversy. But seriously I do not really think that is what they are doing.

I am not going to just complain about the Times. I would like to commend Melissa Weinman for her coverage of the commission and many other things. I think she writes fairly and tries to give just the facts. This is all I ask. Just give us news not your personal slant. I realize the editorial section is for opinion but I am now referring to a larger issue.

If you, the Times, want to stay in existence I recommend killing the slant in what you write as well as what you cover. Keep it to news and I will continue to read. Make yourself an excellent paper and I may even subscribe.

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